Friday, January 17, 2014


There seems to be an increasing interest or obsession with Zombies.  The idea that the "undead" will some day take over the earth can been seen in movies, TV shows, commercials, even on Facebook.  There are times I wonder if I may have a little bit of zombie-ism in me.  Not that I have an insatiable urge to walk around moaning & groaning (but sometimes I do complain about life), take over the world, or want to eat things that wouldn't be on a menu at Applebee's.  (okay, sometimes I do want to take over the world, but only for the good of everyone) At times I am so disconnected from the reality of God's Kingdom coming to a "dead-man" walking!

In John 11 Jesus deals with what some would say is a near Zombie-like encounter.  Lazarus a dear friend of Jesus had died and Jesus in his divine power and authority calls Lazarus out of the grave.  Lazarus emerges with grave clothes and all...fully alive!  Not a Zombie but fully alive.  There are a couple of questions I've had to ask myself recently:  What's died in me that needs resurrecting?  A dream? An awareness? Or a sin I've yet to confess?  Whatever it is, If I don't answer the call of Jesus and let it resonate into my soul, I'm no better off than a Zombie!  Sometimes, my tendency reflects more of a Zombie than someone who is called to New Life in Jesus.  This leads me to the next question: Am I less responsive to God’s calling than a dead man?  Lazarus immediately responded to the call of Jesus on his life.  Do I respond like that when Jesus calls me to forgive, confess, repent, encourage, or serve? Or do I relapse into a Zombie like trance trying to make sense of life while ignoring the voice of life?  Jesus said in John 10:10 "...I have come to give you life to the full..."  Wow, I don't know about you, but I want that, more life than I can live (that's the actual translation of the phrase: to the full). 

So, the next time you see a reference to Zombies ask yourself: Am I fully alive or am I moaning and groaning, trying to control that which I can't control- life, while turning a deaf ear to the One who gives me life to the FULL?   

Be fully alive,

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