Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The fine art of Shoulding on myself!*

“I should have studied harder in school.”  “I should have invested in Apple in 1980.”  “I should have prayed and read my bible more.”  “I should have been kinder to others.”  These statements may be true but sometimes I get so caught up in what I should have done I lose sight of what I could be doing now and tomorrow.  Regret is a potential monster that can steal away time, energy, and hope.  The Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13 says there is one thing he does about the past, he…”forgets what is behind and looks toward what is ahead.”  If I keep “shoulding” on myself I will only live in the regret of what I “should have done” and not what I could be doing! 

So, my advice regarding your past regrets: STOP SHOULDING on YOURSELF! 

*this statement is not original with me as much as I wished it were, credit is given to my friend Denny Howard

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