Monday, November 24, 2014

Puppy Training & GOD

Meet Toby, the newest addition to our family.  Toby, a Snoodle is 16 weeks old and has a bladder the size of a BB. Can you guess what “we’re” in the midst of?  The thing is, with Toby I know he truly wants to please me.  Yet something gets in the way that pulls that desire out of him and results in…well, you know! 

Sometimes I wonder if God looks at me and laughs out loud as he watches me maneuver life with Toby.  I can imagine he watches me try to “train” Toby and says gently…”welcome to MY world!”  I know how frustrated I’ve gotten over the last few weeks of impatiently wanting Toby to get with the program on WHERE HE’S SUPPOSED TO GO, I get a small glimpse into what God must sense with me!  How many times does HE have to instruct me in something as simple as Love God & Love Others?  This is very basic in my relationship with Him, yet how many times I act like a little puppy who seems to at will do whatever, where ever he pleases, not resembling any restraint and oops, there’s a mess to clean up.  How many messes have I made?  Yet, the remarkable thing is God is so patient and compassionate with me, even when I act more like a puppy than a grown man.

I’m so similar to Toby.  Still in training.  Thankfully God is extremely patient and loving in the process.  “TOBY…do you need to go outsi…too late!!!”  Maybe next time!  Thanks God for the reminder!

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