Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Tragedy on So Many Levels

Words are not adequate to express the deep sorrow and sadness that permeates the tragedy that happened in Newton Connecticut.  Two things come to my mind as I try to process this horrible event. First, is the degree of grief for those who lost precious children and loved ones.  As I type this blog, Natalie is in flight from the U.S. to Australia for her Christmas break.  The plane cannot go fast enough for this father to embrace his daughter again.  Thinking of the families who have lost that chance seems almost unbearable.  The level of grief, anger, frustration and the replaying of the day’s events would send even a strong person into despair.  My heart goes out to those families.  I pray for God’s presence to overwhelm them.  For those who in the midst of this crisis who don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus, my hope is that Christ-Followers will surround them, grieve with them, love them, and appropriately point them to Jesus.

The other thought is the depth of brokenness we live with in this world.  Behind the acts of violence and murder was a broken, troubled, and very confused young man.  What was his past? What was going through his mind as he pulled the trigger repeatedly?  What level of deception had overcome his mind to act with such random violence that changed the lives of so many parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, teachers, and friends?  He was someone’s son, brother, nephew, neighbor, and friend.  How many people will look back and wonder if there was anything they could have done to somehow impact his life?  There is so much to process with this.  I can’t help but think how God’s heart is breaking for not only the victims and their families but also for the perpetrator who demonstrated yet another convincing act that reminds us all, life has gotten so far out of whack from what God intended.   

When tragedy like this occurs I wonder how I would respond if this happened in my family?  Then, I wonder how I would respond if this happened in my community?  I hope I would respond with the grace, love, and appropriateness of Jesus.  I, and I know a lot of you reading this; pray that God’s will, would be done on earth as it is in heaven.  One of our responsibilities as followers of Jesus is to live, love, and act in such as way that brings up there, down here.  I don’t want to wait for a tragedy to nudge me in that mission.  Who knows whom I may impact away from acting out evil?  My prayer is that each day I will pursue life to that end…bringing up there, down here!

Be assured of His Presence even in dark times,


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