Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Staying out of the coop!

Growing up on a farm we never raised chickens but we did have a chicken coop and I hated it.  Not being crazy about dark, smelly, cobwebbed infested buildings added to my fear and resolve to stay away from the coop.  Besides, if there had been chickens in the coop, why would I want to put my life on the line to enter the coop with the sole purpose to snatch away the offspring of an unsuspecting mother hen?  Just sounded like trouble to me!  The subject of this post could be similar to the dread of the coop in my early years.

It’s amazing to me that there has been such “banter” back and forth over the last month about another coop called Chick-fil-A. I’m not that good at giving immediate, thoughtful, intelligent, and informed responses and realize I need  time for my brain to process information.

Not being in the country and seeing all the media attention about this I can only imagine most people are pretty tired of it.  If that is you then don’t feel obligated to continue reading, just surf away to another site.  

Just the other day I was asked what my thoughts were regarding the whole matter.  To me the first question I had to ask myself was: what good does it do to stand in line for 2 plus hours to get a chicken sandwich?  How does that help with the underlying issue of the deep divide that seems to be widening in our country between people who disagree?  With that said I understand the need to stand and make your voice heard when someone you side with is being treated without respect.  My question goes to a follow up observation and it is this, sometimes we give our detractors added fodder to chew up and spit back out at us.  What really was accomplished with this action besides many people standing in line to eat another meal?  How did this advance the cause of Christ to a hurting, broken, desperate world?  What would of happened in the media and to some of the accusations from the opposition if people would have supported Chick-fil-A on a given day but not so they could eat lunch but take the food to homeless shelters, rescue missions, people in need, or someone who needed encouraging? 

I’m all for being bold and standing up for beliefs but let’s get creative.  Let’s act with the intention to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus to the world, not just take a stand or seat at a restaurant, eat, and leave it at that.  There is more at stake than this.  I would like to propose that Christ Followers and Churches begin thinking about how we can reach those who are seemingly on the opposite side of the fence.  We may need to learn to dialogue in respectful ways to begin to understand.  If we keep boycotting, protesting, and picking sides it’ll only get uglier and continue to make our mission that much more difficult. 

What’s interesting about living out of the U.S. during this time is that Facebook and Internet News gives us a good indication of what’s really “hot” at the moment.  It seems that the issue has past and life has returned to “normal.”  My question in regards to this whole issue is: Now What?  Let’s think, dream, envision, and be strategic beyond the heat of the moment to bring “up there, down here.”  Besides, there’s a lot more “chicken coop’s” that will present themselves in the future!

Something to think about,


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