Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"A Watched Pot...."

My mom used to tell me: "Marty, a watched pot never boils."  As a young boy, I just accepted this age old saying as truth!  There must be some magic in putting a pot of water on the stove, walking away, and then it boils.  It wasn't until I was older I realized: that's not true. I could put a pot of water on the stove and in a matter of minutes the water would be in a rolling boil.  However, it seemed like a lifetime for the water to boil and the process of watching water before it boiled was agony.

Ever have something you've anticipated and time seems to lag?  For me, it's every time Natalie makes the trip from the U.S. to Australia.  The countdown begins about 30 days out until the eventful day arrives when we pick her up at the airport.  Right now, we are about 36 hours away from the hugs, kisses, and the lugging of her bags to the car.  Then, once home, the meal of the day is her favorite: Tuna Noodle Casserole or Tuna Mon ea for the Australians.  Part of the waiting involves a whimsical wish that Tuna would be outlawed by the Australian government in the next few hours!   Anyway, my point is this...waiting and anticipating can be either agony or a process of living life with something to look forward too!  For this dad, I choose the eager anticipation over the agony of the wait.  I'm eagerly anticipating the moment I see Natalie's smiling face.  I'm not watching a pot of water to boil, just a clock to tic away the hours.  In the meantime, I think I'll send off my petition to the Aussie government for that Tuna ban!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree... Tuna Cass should be outlawed! Praying her back to you safely...and a great winter break! BTW...be sure her future husband knows about this quirky taste for TC.
