Saturday, December 10, 2011

Done, but NOT Finished!!!

I'm DONE, done with my Master's from Fuller Theological Seminary.  In January 2008 I started the adventure and today, submitted my final two papers for my last two classes.  I have to admit, when I finished the last paper and sent it to my editor, tears welled up in my eyes.  This has been a long haul but I have learned and gained so much from this experience.  The knowledge was a given, the life-long friends were unexpected.  I have great friends now all over the world who have walked with me through a significant part of this journey.  I also have come to realized how blessed I am.  My family, Ruthann and Natalie have put up with almost four years of me being consumed at times with homework, papers, reading, and the anxiety of waiting for grades to be posted.  Ruthann has put in countless hours as my chief editor and put up with a lot of run on sentences, poor grammar, and looming deadlines.  Who would have guessed that 34 years ago in college when I was flunking out of Freshman English, that pretty little tutor I began meeting with several nights a week would be editing my papers for my Master's!  Thanks Ruthann! Both Ruthann and Natalie have been my cheerleaders through it all. I love em heaps!  I'm done, but NOT finished.  I'm done with my Master's but not finished learning.  I am committed to be a lifelong learner...there is so much more to learn!

Be Blessed,



  1. Awwww, thanks honey! It was my pleasure. I enjoyed learning so much with you. Your last paper was incredible! Can't wait to see all God has in store for us!

  2. Congrats! Enjoy that feeling from completing a very significant discipline, having performed with excellence. You've earned it. Enjoy this Christmas season; breath deeply and give thanks. Wish we could share this "ebenezer" moment together; lots of holiday food and a couple of great movies!!
