Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Dancing with Covid

I didn’t grow up going to dances. In fact, I was afraid of them. It was on the list of things I was to avoid like the plague. But there was a dance recently that grabbed me by the hand and drug me to the dance floor.

I really didn’t think I would end up with this partner. It seemed like everyone else was out on the dance floor but just like my adolescence, I was content sitting this one out. What I soon discovered was this partner wasn’t picky. It would dance with anyone.

The results of this dance were life changing. It was a slow dance filled with an awkward awareness I wasn’t the one leading. The song was more of a dirge than a romantic sway. The longer it lasted the more my attention began to shift. Somewhere in the dance I changed partners. My new partner held me like I’d never been held before, led me to places I’d never been, and invited me to new places. The music had changed. Instead of the drone of minor chords there was a blend of instruments, a melody that engaged my mind and body. The harmonies blended with such perfection. I wanted to dance with this partner. I didn’t want the music to stop.

When this shift in partners happened I’m not so sure of. But what I do know is that my Covid partner set me up. It set me up to be reawakened to the presence of my Heavenly Father, a partner who danced with me before. But something or someone was different now, me. My awareness had changed. The rhythm of this music wasn’t hard to keep. I wanted to follow His lead instead of insisting He follow mine. 

This dance has continued even though my first partner moved on. I am not grateful for my dance with Covid. I am forever grateful someone cut in and has been leading me ever since and I want to keep on dancing.

1 Peter 1:6-7 NIV In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. [7] These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith---of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire---may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

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