Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I don’t know if you saw it or not but last Sunday night on the Fox television network Tyler Perry hosted a live event of the Passion of Christ.  From historic Woldenberg park in New Orleans, LA the story of the last few days of Jesus’ life was artistically portrayed by using todays biggest hits.  I sat in awe as the story unfolded with song after song I had heard on the radio.  Within the context of the story line of Jesus’ journey to the cross and finally the resurrection I was captivated.  The events took on fresh perspective as I listened to the lyrics and watched the emotion of the people in the crowd.  

Watching this production gave me a new resolve to bring the arts into the church and ministry.  The creativity, thought, and artistry brought the age old story of God’s redemption into the 21st Century with amazing clarity.  Now some would be critical and say: “That’s just entertainment!  Entertainment shouldn’t be in the church!”  I beg to differ.  The definition for entertainment is to capture attention.  From what I read in Scripture Jesus captured attention. And since we have the greatest news known to humanity, shouldn’t we seek to present it in ways that captivate attentions? Besides, where did the gifts of creativity, musicality, drama, etc come from?  Enough said.

When I think of heaven I don’t think so much about harps, robes, clouds, and everything that has been depicted.  I think of creativity that captivates, a depth of thought expressed with an artistry that leaves one speechless.  Well, maybe not speechless because we know the words HOLY, HOLY, HOLY will flow effortlessly! As you continue through this holy week.  I hope you will take some time to be captivated by the beauty of Jesus and his amazing love for you!



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